Saturday, February 4, 2012

the best friendship EVER(JB love) chp 3!!!

the best friendship EVER(JB love) chp 3!!! Video Clips. Duration : 2.07 Mins.

chp 3! recap: heather took katie ,her daughter, and went to joe, nick, and kevins house next door and snuck out. Jason raped heather. joe got to his house and was holding heather and had her pressed up against the wall making out with her...WAT WILL HAPPEN?? STAY TUNED FOR CHP 4!!!! seriously...did you think i would wait till chp 4 to tell u the storyyyy??? STORY Heather: joe! i missed you SO much! Joe: i know. i missed you too! joe kissed me and it was like heaven! i kissed back, him still holding me, and before i knew it i was against the wall and me and joe were making out. then i heard katie start to cry. i pulled away and got down from joes grip and ran over to katie. Heather: shhh...mommies here.... Joe: need any help? Heather:*still looking at katie* no. Joe: um..okay. Heather: wait! could you go over to my house and get the bag? Joe: yeah. *sighs* I laid katie down on the bed then went over to joe. Heather: joe...whats wrong? Joe looked away and said 'nothing' i looked up at joe, who was just a lil bit taller than me, and grabbed his waist. Heather: joe...somethings wrong. whats wrong? Joe: nothing. i was just thinking. im guna go get the bag. love you joe kissed me then left. i went and sat down on his bed next to katie and snuggled under the covers. a few minutes later i heard a door open and i opened my eyes to see kevin Heather: *yawn* hey kevo. Kevin: hey heather. sleepy? Heather: TONS! haha. Kevin: whers joe? Heather: getting the bag. Kevin: aaahhh.. Heather ...

Keywords: 3!!, best, chp, EVER, friendship, onetruemedia, the

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