Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Forgiveness & Love: [Ep. 8]

Forgiveness & Love: [Ep. 8] Tube. Duration : 0.55 Mins.

Forgiveness & Love: [Ep. 8] +{2 YEARS LATER}+ With Joe at the airport, waiting for Kevin Kevin: -pulls up in his truck and gets out of the car to greet Joe- Joe: -goes to him, smiles, and does a guy handshake thingy- Sup, man. Kevin: I'm glad mom let you come stay here. Joe: Me too. Thanks for letting me. Kevin: No prob. Thats what brothers are for. And plus, me and Dani could use some help with babysitting Cameron [A/N Kenielle's son] -grabs one of Joe's bags and throws it in the car- Joe: -goes the same- -They both get into the car and are on their way to Kevin and Dani's house- Joe: -changes the station on the radio- So where's Dani? Kev: At home with Cameron. Joe: Oh. Okay. Kev: So how's Nick. Joe: He's good. He proposed to Nicole a few weeks ago. Kev: Oh yeah? How come I wasnt told this news? Joe: I dunno. Kev: I've never met Nicole. Joe: She's nice, I guess. I'm happy for the both of them. They got their own apartment and started making wedding plans already. Kev: Thats good. And what about you? Joe: What do you mean? Kev: When are you going to get a girl? Joe: -shruggs- I'm hoping I'll find her here. -They pull up into the driveway. Demi's house is only a block away from Kevin and Dani's. They go in the house.- Dani: -comes out of the kitchen and hugs Joe- How are you? Joe: I'm fine, Dani. You look great, by the way. Dani: Thanks. C'mon, lunch is ready. Joe: -looks down ont he floor in front of the TV where a baby was playing with toy trucks.- Is this Cameron ...

Keywords: joe, jonas, demi, lovato, jemi, love, story, forgiveness, ep., onetruemedia

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